DASSAULT SYSTèMES Academy Member Label
Le label “3DEXPERIENCE Edu Academic Member” est un atout majeur lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter la question de l'employabilité pour les établissements universitaires utilisant la plateforme 3DEXPERIENCE.

For all students intending to have the best experience for their job.

CENTURION University of Technology & Management

Chennai Institute of Technology
The Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering courses cover the requirements of a broad range of industries from manufacturing plant and transportation to power generation and domestic appliances and combination of mechanical and electrical, control and computer engineering.

De La Salle Collegiate High School
De La Salle Collegiate High School is an all boy catholic school. I teach engineering 1 where the boys master their skills by utilizing Catia v6 in the sketcher and solid modeling packages. Advanced engineering focus is on advanced features, assemblies and the drafting package. One of the students favorite projects is when they can design a product using Catia and then I have the product printed out on a 3D printer. This provides the students with the actual 3D model they designed and allows them to see and touch their design and evaluate the product. This gives the student a real life engineering experience.

Dongguk University
Corée du Sud
Department of Nuclear & Energy System Engineering
The 1st goal: To educate hands-on trained individuals with knowledge of energy convergence, renewable energies, and environment industry.
The 2nd goal: To create specialists who are able to implement product-producing projects and to write and examine technical reports.
The 3rd goal: To produce specialists who are able to coordinate the industry-university network By accomplishing three goals, students will be energy experts and conduct a core role in developing the ever changing energy industry.

Ecole Nationale d'Aérotechnique

École Polytechnique de Montréal
Le département de génie mécanique vise à former des ingénieurs et des chercheurs, de calibre international, à l’innovation, la conception, la fabrication et l’opération de produits et de systèmes mécaniques complexes incluant les matériaux haute performance de divers types.
Grâce à la compétence et au dévouement de ses professeurs, de ses chercheurs et de son personnel de soutien, le département de génie mécanique contribue à l’évolution de la discipline par la mise à jour des connaissances, la création et le développement de nouveaux outils de travail pour l’ingénieur et de nouveaux concepts reliés à l’ingénierie.