
KLE Technological University, earlier conceived as BVB College of Engineering and Technology in 1947 was rechristened to its current nomenclature in 2015. The legacy of proactive change approach to meet challenging benchmarks that catalyze our growth process has been the organizational hallmark. Being part of the educational frontier, key sensitive changes in the industry, academia and in technology space have always provided the necessary traction to our growth. The School of Mechanical Engineering in alignment to the University policy greatly respects its stakeholder’s inputs and feedback to translate into fruitful actions in its drive towards excellence.
The Dassault Systemes with its business partners have played a responsible role to guide us identify, integrate and deploy new skill requirements for our pedagogical process. At the School of Mechanical Engineering, we deliver seasoned course content on modeling and analysis with follow-up project, all vetted by the experts in academia and industry to keep students engaged, without an iota of compromise in learning quality. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform with - CATIA, SIMULIA and ENOVIA tools meet all our major academic requirements also giving latest professional Industry touch. These courses, as a result, have significantly leveraged the teaching-learning process to prepare our graduates with necessary sheen to be part of future work force as evidenced by the quality placements.
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